Mindfulness for Care Givers

Mindfulness for Care Givers


Discover newfound fortitude! Mindfulness practices are exceedingly valuable for preventing care-giver burnout, revitalizing, and fostering inner peace. Whether you care for a sick loved one, an aging parent, hospital patients, or someone in hospice, mindfulness techniques can help you gain control over adverse thoughts and draining emotions—restoring balance, poise, and harmony. Over 10 audio sessions, you’ll learn to navigate common care-giver challenges (e.g. exhaustion, frustration, fear, overwhelm, or stress) through classic, fundamental mindfulness techniques that soothe, nourish, and rejuvenate. Through informative theory and enriching exercises, you’ll uncover the power of simple, short mindfulness practices for slowing down, recharging, and enhancing overall health.

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Learn mindfulness techniques to: reduce care-giver stress and exhaustion; relax, reduce agitation, and calm the body-mind; boost mental clarity; cultivate presence; foster inner peace; preserve well-being; boost hopefulness; and deeply nourish yourself to better support those in need. (10 days. 15 min/day)

DAY 1: Self-Observation: Intention for Sustained Well-Being

DAY 2: Time Out: Restful Body Scan Meditation

DAY 3: Easing the Mind: Counting the Breath

DAY 4: Reducing Fear: Loving Kindness Meditation

DAY 5: Making Space: Breath-Based Meditation

DAY 6: Comforting Interconnectedness: Expanding Metta Meditation

DAY 7: Empathy vs Compassion: Karuna Meditation

DAY 8: Happiness Boost: Sympathetic Joy Meditation

DAY 9: Cultivating Balance of Mind: Equanimity Meditation

DAY 10: Peace and Quiet: Open Awareness Meditation