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Ageing Gracefully with Ayurveda

Age Gracefully with Ayurveda

Online Workshop with Kari Harendorf & Larissa Hall Carlson

1-3pm ET  ZOOM

Are you looking for a natural and holistic approach to help you age gracefully? Look no further than Ayurveda, a time-tested system of medicine that has been used for thousands of years. This workshop is a deeper dive into the rhythms of your life. We will explore living in harmony through all life stages and finding balance along the way. 

In this workshop, you'll learn how Ayurveda can help you maintain your physical, mental, and emotional well-being as you age. We'll cover topics such as nutrition, exercise, self-care, and stress reduction, all tailored to support healthy aging. You'll also learn how to identify your unique constitution and the best practices for your specific needs.

Accompanying an explanation of the Ayurvedic theory to support your transformation through life's unique stages, this workshop will demonstrate into Ayurvedic facial massage, benefits of oils, and other vata-balancing practices to combat menopause spread. We will also discuss how to age gracefully through adapting your yoga practice in the later stages of life.

With the guidance of our expert teachers, Larissa & Kari, you'll gain valuable insights and practical tools to help you feel your best as you age. Whether you're in your 40s, 50s, or beyond, this workshop is designed to help you live a vibrant and fulfilling life.

So join us for "Age Gracefully with Ayurveda" and discover how this ancient system of medicine can help you navigate the aging process with grace and ease.