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Autumn Retreat: Yoga & Mindfulness for Self-Kindness at Kripalu

  • Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health Stockbridge, MA (map)

Savor autumn in the beautiful Berkshires!   Refresh your perspective through a variety of soothing yoga practices, peaceful meditations, and outdoor mindfulness experiences to access greater happiness, harmony, and self-compassion.

Join 20-year Kripalu Faculty member and former Dean of the Kripalu School of Ayurveda, Larissa Hall Carlson, as she offers gentle yoga and mindfulness to enhance clarity, insight, and self-kindness. Whether you're a new or seasoned yogi, this retreat supports you in releasing tension & stress, boosting relaxation & ease, and enhancing inner harmony.

Tap into your best self in this program, which includes:

  • A variety of mini-meditations for self-soothing, self-compassion, and self-regulation 

  • Gentle, slow, full-body yoga stretches to carefully enhance flexibility, strength, and balance

  • Silent nature walks for mindful contemplation amidst the fall foliage

  • An evening campfire for friendly conversation and autumn stargazing

  • Mindful journaling prompts for written reflection and introspection

  • Comforting breath-work (pranayama) to calm the nervous system

  • Mindful coloring to generate inner quietness and radiant self-expression

  • Loving kindness meditations as gateways to compassion

  • Mindful group creation of a colorful sand mandala for connection and interconnectedness

Discover techniques to open an inner world filled with limitless compassion, contentment, and clarity.  Return home with the inspiration and guidance you need to live a mindful life.

Note: Be prepared for gentle walks through fields and nature trails. Appropriate footwear (and cool weather gear) required.

For all levels.

Registration coming soon.